Auto Sled Models
A car skid is a system generally used to park cars or make it easier to slide vehicles on various surfaces. There are various auto sled models according to different…
Car Seat Mechanisms
Car seat units are mechanical and electrical systems used to increase the comfort of vehicle seats, parts and disassembly. These mechanisms allow the seats to be adjusted, folded or slid…
Car Seat Mechanism – solutions for auto mechanical systems
Car Seat Mechanism Car seat mechanisms are mechanical systems with different functions used in car seats. Here are some car seat mechanisms: Adjustable back mechanism: This mechanism allows the back…
Electric car seats are a feature frequently found in modern vehicles and provide comfort and ease of use.
Electromotion Seat you can contact Talhan Car Seat to get detailed information about its products.
Original car seats are seats that are used in the factory assembly of a vehicle and are designed and manufactured by the manufacturer. These seats are usually custom-made to fit the vehicle’s overall design and safety standards.
Original Car Seat you can contact Talhan Car Seat to get detailed information about its products.
Car armrest is an accessory that is generally located in the middle of the front seats of vehicles or on the back seats, providing additional comfort and ease of use while driving.
Armrests you can contact Talhan Car Seat to get detailed information about its products.
who are we
“Our Business is the Seat
Our Strength is the Seat.”
By understanding customer needs and expectations in the best way, offering them the most appropriate solutions and value propositions through the right channel, delivering a wide range of products and services to all segments of society in the fastest and most effective way, being aware of ethical values and social responsibility, with sustainable profitability and efficiency at world standards. To be a company that operates and prioritizes customer satisfaction above all else.
To respond to the needs in a clear, honest and reliable manner, with the most appropriate solution, fast, accurate and alternative in Turkey and all over the world. In addition to these, we are trying to rise to the highest level by adding new successes to the success we have achieved every day.
You can contact us between 09:00 – 17:00 on weekdays and 10:00 – 17:00 on weekends and get information about the products and special product prices. All you have to do is call 05362776812.
You can examine our products through, ask your questions and get information about the products.